Sex Crime Lawyers in Utah
Representing Individuals Facing Sex Offense Allegations & Charges
Some of the most serious criminal charges in Utah involve allegations of sex crimes. Accusations of rape, child pornography, or sexual abuse can result in punishments every bit as harsh as any violent crime. It is critical to understand the complex elements that make up these crimes.
A sex crime conviction can have lifelong consequences, including:
- Prison or jail time
- Thousands of dollars in fines
- Extensive mandatory treatment that can last for years
- Lifetime registration as a sex offender
- Loss of child custody
- Loss of professional licenses or certifications
Talk to an experienced defense attorney today by calling Pearson Butler at (800) 265-2314.
Sex Offender Registration
One significant consequence of a sex crime conviction is the mandatory registration as a sex offender. Your address will be published for the public to see, your employment will have to be approved by the State of Utah, and you’ll be monitored for years. This could last from 10 years to life. With these kinds of consequences, it is important to have confident and experienced representation as soon as you are charged with a sex crime.
At Pearson Butler, we understand how to defend against sex crimes. Our attorneys always strive for a not-guilty verdict or an outright dismissal of a client’s charges, but there may be other ways to achieve a successful result. The differences between two crimes may not seem significant but in some cases, a second-degree felony of “forcible sexual abuse” could plead down to class A misdemeanor “sexual battery.” The differences in potential sentences are 1 to 15 years in prison and mandatory registration versus a maximum of 1 year in jail and no sex offender registration for the misdemeanor. An aggressive Utah criminal defense attorney can help identify what opportunities may be available to you to protect your rights at every step of the process.
An Accusation Does Not Equal a Guilty Verdict
An accusation does not make you guilty. It is critically important to have a dedicated team that knows the law and knows the consequences of what you’ve been accused of. Sex crimes require extensive investigation into the specific facts of your case. Don’t face these types of charges alone. Contact the criminal defense team at Pearson Butler so you don’t have to face these serious charges alone.
Call (800) 265-2314 or contact Pearson Butler online. Pearson Butler serves the entire state of Utah.