Utah Legal Separation Lawyers
Compassionate, Experienced Attorneys You Can Trust
If you and your spouse are having problems, a separation might be the best option for your family. Everyone fights, but some differences require a different approach, and taking a step back from your relationship can be a great way to reprioritize and get perspective. You may opt for a temporary separation that allows you to take a break and think about your options, or you might consider a legal separation, which is more permanent. Whatever your choice, our firm is here to help.
To learn more about your options regarding a separation in Utah, contact our team at Pearson Butler. We can meet with you at any of our three offices. Call (800) 265-2314 today.
What Is a Legal Separation?
A legal separation is essentially one step down from a divorce. A separation allows couples to take a step back from their marriage, but rather than ending their union, the separation provides all of the same legal provisions without the termination of the marriage itself.
The separation can allow for specific spousal support orders, child support, child custody, and even property division. A separation is still legally binding, but the marriage will remain intact. So, while you and your spouse will have legally-binding rules to follow regarding your children, finances, and property, you will not be free to remarry.
Why Choose Separation?
Couples choose to separate for many different reasons, including religion, healthcare coverage, financial support, and parenting obligations. Some families decide that they’d like to remain married but live apart until their children are grown, or they may find that their religion bars them from divorcing, which is why a separation is their best option. Or, a couple might learn that divorcing would cut one spouse out of their healthcare coverage, in which case they may remain married to offset that loss.
In any case, choosing to separate is a very personal decision, and, like divorce, it should receive serious consideration before the process begins. It can be as lengthy and complex as a divorce, so couples must be prepared for the repercussions of such a weighty decision.
Let Our Firm Help You
If you are considering the benefits of a separation, make sure you discuss your situation with one of our attorneys at Pearson Butler. We have worked on several separation cases and can help you determine whether or not a legal separation is the best option. Our team is committed to providing each client with the personalized attention and guidance they deserve, and we look forward to helping you during this challenging time.
Contact Pearson Butler today to discuss your potential case with our Utah legal separation attorneys.